In addition to all the features that readers have come to expect from the Bahamas Handbook, this year’s issue has a special 100-page photographic and editorial retrospective that will depict the nation’s vibrant life and times
during the last half century and its connection to world affairs.
Using a selection of exclusive photographs from our archives, the section highlights the people and events that have
shaped recent Bahamian history. This anniversary edition showcases how The Bahamas has grown from a small
colony on the margins of the fading British Empire to an independent nation next door to the world’s greatest
superpower—a young country that boasts a centuries-old tradition of individual freedom and parliamentary democracy.
Of course, the Handbook continues to publish the full-colour photographs and well written features that our readers
enjoy—stories and photos about the people, the history and the islands of The Bahamas. And readers will continue to
find up-to-date and accurateinformation in the Blue Pages, our extensive A-to-Z compendium of all things Bahamian,
along with biographies of the country’s movers and shakers in government, the diplomaticcorps and the civil service.
Don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of this once-in-a-lifetime issue as we reflect on the
past 50 years of Bahamian history as seen through the eyes of the Bahamas Handbook.
2010 EDTION NOW! |